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ELS'19 - 12th European Lisp Symposium
Hotel Bristol Palace
Genova, Italy
April 1-2 2019
In cooperation with: ACM SIGPLAN
In co-location with <Programming> 2019
Sponsored by EPITA and Franz Inc.
Recent news:
- Submission deadline extended to Friday February 8.
- Keynote abstracts now available.
- <Programming> registration now open:
- Student refund program after the conference.
The purpose of the European Lisp Symposium is to provide a forum for
the discussion and dissemination of all aspects of design,
implementation and application of any of the Lisp and Lisp-inspired
dialects, including Common Lisp, Scheme, Emacs Lisp, AutoLisp, ISLISP,
Dylan, Clojure, ACL2, ECMAScript, Racket, SKILL, Hop and so on. We
encourage everyone interested in Lisp to participate.
The 12th European Lisp Symposium invites high quality papers about
novel research results, insights and lessons learned from practical
applications and educational perspectives. We also encourage
submissions about known ideas as long as they are presented in a new
setting and/or in a highly elegant way.
Topics include but are not limited to:
- Context-, aspect-, domain-oriented and generative programming
- Macro-, reflective-, meta- and/or rule-based development approaches
- Language design and implementation
- Language integration, inter-operation and deployment
- Development methodologies, support and environments
- Educational approaches and perspectives
- Experience reports and case studies
We invite submissions in the following forms:
Papers: Technical papers of up to 8 pages that describe original
results or explain known ideas in new and elegant ways.
Demonstrations: Abstracts of up to 2 pages for demonstrations of
tools, libraries, and applications.
Tutorials: Abstracts of up to 4 pages for in-depth presentations
about topics of special interest for at least 90 minutes and up to
180 minutes.
The symposium will also provide slots for lightning talks, to be
registered on-site every day.
All submissions should be formatted following the ACM SIGS guidelines
and include ACM Computing Classification System 2012 concepts and
terms. Submissions should be uploaded to Easy Chair, at the following
Note: to help us with the review process please indicate the type of
submission by entering either "paper", "demo", or "tutorial" in the
Keywords field.
Important dates:
- 08 Feb 2019 Submission deadline (*** extended! ***)
- 01 Mar 2019 Notification of acceptance
- 18 Mar 2019 Final papers due
- 01-02 Apr 2019 Symposium
Programme chair:
Nicolas Neuss, FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany
Programme committee:
Marco Antoniotti, Universita Milano Bicocca, Italy
Marc Battyani, FractalConcept, France
Pascal Costanza, IMEC, ExaScience Life Lab, Leuven, Belgium
Leonie Dreschler-Fischer, University of Hamburg, Germany
R. Matthew Emerson, thoughtstuff LLC, USA
Marco Heisig, FAU, Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany
Charlotte Herzeel, IMEC, ExaScience Life Lab, Leuven, Belgium
Pierre R. Mai, PMSF IT Consulting, Germany
Breanndán Ó Nualláin, University of Amsterdam, Netherlands
François-René Rideau, Google, USA
Alberto Riva, Unversity of Florida, USA
Alessio Stalla, ManyDesigns Srl, Italy
Patrick Krusenotto, Deutsche Welle, Germany
Philipp Marek, Austria
Sacha Chua, Living an Awesome Life, Canada
Search Keywords:
#els2019, ELS 2019, ELS '19, European Lisp Symposium 2019,
European Lisp Symposium '19, 12th ELS, 12th European Lisp Symposium,
European Lisp Conference 2019, European Lisp Conference '19
</pre> Cooperation with: ACM SIGPLAN for ELSurn:md5:66e07c5cfe93c1be10d8a1ab62a8d7e6Wednesday, October 14 2015Wednesday, October 14 2015Didier VernaLispACMconferenceELSSIGPLAN <p>We're happy to announce that the <a href="" hreflang="en">European Lisp Symposium</a> is now "In Cooperation with: ACM SIGPLAN". The proceedings will be published in the <a href="" hreflang="en">ACM Digital Library</a>.</p> for Papers: ACM SAC'13 PL: ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, Programming Languages trackurn:md5:7307e4e19000561944fbca6bdffc5f28Tuesday, May 22 2012Tuesday, May 22 2012Didier VernaMiscellaneousACMconferenceProgramming LanguagesSAC <pre>
Technical Track on "Programming Languages"
March 18-22, 2013
Coimbra, Portugal
SAC '13
Over the past 27 years, the ACM Symposium on Applied Computing has become a
primary forum for applied computer scientists,
computer engineers, software engineers, and application developers from around
the world to interact and present their work.
SAC 2013 is sponsored by the ACM Special Interest Group on Applied Computing
(SIGAPP). For additional information, please
check the SAC web page: This
document is also available at:
A technical track on Programming Languages will be held at SAC'13. It will be
a forum for engineers, researchers and practitioners throughout the world to
share technical ideas and experiences relating to implementation and
application of programming languages. Original papers and experience reports
are invited in all areas of programming languages. Major topics of interest
include but are not limited to the following:
− Compiling Techniques,
− Domain-Specific Languages,
− Formal Semantics and Syntax,
− Garbage Collection,
− Language Design and Implementation,
− Languages for Modeling,
− Model-Driven Development and Model Transformation,
− New Programming Language Ideas and Concepts,
− New Programming Paradigms,
− Practical Experiences with Programming Languages,
− Program Analysis and Verification,
− Program Generation and Transformation,
− Programming Languages from All Paradigms (Agent-Oriented, Aspect-Oriented,
Functional, Logic, Object-Oriented, etc.),
− Visual Programming Languages.
Paper submissions must be original, unpublished work. Submissions should be in
electronic format, via the START site:
Author(s) name(s) and address(es) must not appear in the body of the paper,
and self-reference should be avoided and made
in the third person. Submitted papers will undergo a blind review process.
Authors of accepted papers should submit an
editorial revision of their papers that fits within six two-column pages (an
extra two pages, to a total of eight pages,
may be available at a charge). Please comply with this page limitation already
at submission time. For accepted papers,
registration for the conference is required and allows accepted papers to be
printed in the conference proceedings.
For each accepted paper, an author or a proxy attending SAC MUST present the
paper. This is a requirement for the paper
to be included in the ACM/IEEE digital library. A set of selected papers,
which did not get accepted as full papers,
will be accepted as poster papers and will be published as extended 2-page
abstracts in the symposium proceedings.
After the conference, selected accepted papers will be invited to a special
issue of the Computer Languages, Systems and
Structures journal
September 21, 2012: Full Paper Submissions
November 10, 2012: Author Notification
November 30, 2012: Camera-Ready Copy
The SAC 2013 Programming Language Track Program Committee Members
Vasco Amaral, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal
Roberto da Silva Bigonha, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Brasil
Haiming Chen, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
Johan Fabry, University of Chile, Chile
Sebastian Guenter, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium
Gopal Gupta, University of Texas at Dallas, USA
Christian Haack, University of Nijmegen, The Netherlands
Christian Hammer, Saarland University, Germany
Matthias Hauswirth, University of Lugano, Switzerland
Pedro Henriques, University of Minho, Portugal
Michael Hind, IBM, USA
Nigel Horspool, University of Victoria, Canada
Zoltan Horvath, Eotvos Lorand University, Hungary
Bo Huang, Intel, China
Geylani Kardas, Ege University, Turkey
Shih Hsi "Alex" Liu, California State University, Fresno, USA
Hanspeter Moessenboeck, Johannes Kepler Universitat Linz, Austria
Jesús García Molina, University of Murcia, Spain
Nikolaos Papaspyrou, National Technical University of Athens, Greece
Corneliu Popeea, Technical University of Munich, Germany
Andre Santos, Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Brazil
Bostjan Slivnik, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia
Didier Verna, EPITA, France
Wuu Yang, National Chiao-Tung University, Taiwan
Youtao Zhang, University of Pittsburgh, USA
Track Chairs
Marjan Mernik, University of Maribor, Slovenia,
Barrett Bryant, University of North Texas, USA,
</pre>[CfP] ACM Symposium on Applied Computing: Separation of Concernsurn:md5:5b07267a5541aae361392c73ac758c18Monday, May 30 2011Monday, May 30 2011Didier VernaMiscellaneousACMconferencePSCSAC <p><strong>Programming for Separation of Concerns (PSC) at ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC)</strong>
March 25-29, 2012
Riva del Garda (Trento) Italy</p>
<h2>Description and Objectives</h2>
<p>Complex systems are intrinsically expensive to develop because several
concerns must be addressed simultaneously. Once the development phase is over,
these systems are often hard to reuse and evolve because their concerns are
intertwined and making apparently small changes force programmers to modify
many parts. Moreover, legacy systems are difficult to evolve due to additional
problems, including: lack of a well defined architecture, use of several
programming languages and paradigms, etc.</p>
<p>Separation of concerns (SoC) techniques such as computational reflection,
aspect-oriented programming and subject-oriented programming have been
successfully employed to produce systems whose concerns are well separated,
thereby facilitating reuse and evolution of system components or systems as a
whole. However, a criticism of techniques such as computational reflection is
that they may bring about degraded performance compared with conventional
software engineering techniques. Besides, it is difficult to precisely
evaluate the degree of flexibility for reuse and evolution of systems provided
by the adoption of these SoC techniques. Other serious issues come to mind,
such as: is the use of these techniques double-edged? Can these systems suffer
a ripple effect, whereby a small change in some part has unexpected and
potentially dangerous effects on the whole?</p>
<p>The Programming for Separation of Concerns (PSC) track at the 2012 Symposium
on Applied Computing (SAC) aims to bring together researchers to share
experiences in using SoC techniques, and explore the practical problems of
existing tools, environments, etc. The track will address questions like: Can
performance degradation be limited? Are unexpected changes dealt with by
reflective or aspect-oriented systems? Is there any experience of long term
evolution that shows a higher degree of flexibility of systems developed with
such techniques? How such techniques cope with architectural erosion? Are
these techniques helpful to deal with evolution of legacy systems?</p>
<p>Authors are invited to submit original papers. Submissions are encouraged, but
not limited, to the following topics:</p>
<li>Software architectures</li>
<li>Configuration management systems</li>
<li>Software reuse and evolution</li>
<li>Performance issues for metalevel and aspect oriented systems</li>
<li>Software engineering tools</li>
<li>Consistency, integrity and security</li>
<li>Generative approaches</li>
<li>Experiences in using reflection, composition filters, aspect- and subject- orientation</li>
<li>Evolution of legacy systems</li>
<li>Reflective and aspect oriented middleware for distributed systems</li>
<li>Modelling of SoC techniques to allow predictable outcomes from their use</li>
<li>Formal methods for metalevel systems</li>
<h2>Paper Submission</h2>
<p>Original papers from the above mentioned or other related areas will be
considered. Only full papers about original and unpublished research are
sought. Parallel submission to other conferences or tracks is not acceptable.</p>
<p>Papers can be submitted in electronic format via the SAC website
(<a href=""></a>) within 31 August 2011. Please make sure that the
authors name and affiliation do not appear on the submitted paper.</p>
<p>Peer groups with expertise in the track focus area will blindly review
submissions to the track. At least one author of the accepted paper should
register and participate in the PSC track. Accepted papers will be published
in the annual conference ACM proceedings.</p>
<p>The camera-ready version of the accepted paper should be prepared using the
ACM format (guidelines will be given on the SAC website). The maximum number
of pages allowed for the final papers is six (6), with the option, at
additional cost, to add two (2) more pages.</p>
<p>A set of papers submitted to the PSC track and not accepted as full papers
will be selected as poster papers and published in the ACM proceedings as
2-page papers, with the option, at additional cost, to add one (1) more page.</p>
<h2>Important Dates</h2>
<p>Paper Due August 31, 2011
Author Notification Oct. 12, 2011
Camera Ready Nov. 2, 2011</p>
<p>Please check the web site for updates:
<a href=""></a></p>