As in all those similar books, the room for Lisp is obviously miserable, but that is not very surprising. At least Sebesta seems to know something about it... but wait ! That was until yesterday.
Yesterday, I read chapter 12 (Support for Object Oriented Programming), and this reading pretty much ruined my fun, my evening, and the little consideration I had for the author. On page 508 you can find this:
CLOS, an object-oriented version of Lisp, also supports functional programming.
And there's even a reference to the CLOS specification reference document.
Since the book is suddenly turning the Big Circus way, let's not stop just here. A couple of pages later, there's an interview of Bjarne Stroustrup, for whom having invented C++ is obviously not enough, and so claims that
Currently, C++ is the best language for multi-paradigm programming.
That's it boys. These guys have no clue whatsoever.