Tuesday, December 14 2010
By Didier Verna on Tuesday, December 14 2010, 15:24 - LaTeX
I'm happy to announce the release of CurVe 1.16. CurVe is a CV class for LaTeX2e.
New in this release:
- An examples directory
- New \text macro to insert plain text in the middle of rubrics,
- Support for openbib option which was implicit before
- Fix incompatibilities with the splitbib package
- Handle the bibentry/hyperref incompatibility directly
- Implement old font commands letting packages using them (e.g. fancyhdr) work correctly
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Monday, February 25 2008
By Didier Verna on Monday, February 25 2008, 17:10 - LaTeX
I'm happy to announce the next edition of CurVe, a LaTeX2e class for writing curricula vitae.
What's new in this version:
** Support for itemize environments, suggested by Mirko Hessel-von Molo.
** Added some documentation about vertical spacing problems in |bbl| files, suggested by Seweryn Habdank-Wojewódzki.
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Tuesday, November 27 2007
By Didier Verna on Tuesday, November 27 2007, 10:56 - LaTeX
I'm happy to announce the next edition of CurVe: version 1.14.
CurVe is a Curriculum Vitae class for LaTeX2e. This version adds support for Polish, and an option to reverse-count bibliographic entries.
Enjoy !
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