Thursday, January 26 2017
By Didier Verna on Thursday, January 26 2017, 21:13 - LaTeX
I'm pleased to announce the release of DoX 2.3 (Extensions to the Doc pakcage for LaTeX).
New in this release:
** Support Doc's internal \saved@indexname command
thanks to Falk Hanisch.
Get it at the usual place.
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Thursday, December 16 2010
By Didier Verna on Thursday, December 16 2010, 16:30 - LaTeX
Hello, I'm happy to announce the release of DoX v2.2. DoX is a set of extensions to the Doc package, for LaTeX2e class and style authors.
New in this release: the ability to create new control-sequence based documentation items (for instance LaTeX lengths).
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Monday, September 21 2009
By Didier Verna on Monday, September 21 2009, 08:27 - LaTeX
I'm happy to announce the release of DoX v2.0 (2009/09/21).
New in this version:
* Optional argument to \doxitem idxtype option to change the item's index type
* Optional argument to \Describe<Item> and the <Item> environment
noprint option to avoid marginal printing
noindex option to avoid item indexing
* Extend \DescribeMacro, \DescribeEnv and their corresponding environments with the same features
The doc package provides LaTeX developers with means to describe the usage and the definition of new commands and environments. However, there is no simple way to extend this functionality to other items (options or counters for instance). DoX is designed to circumvent this limitation, and provides some improvements over the existing functionality as well.
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Monday, September 14 2009
By Didier Verna on Monday, September 14 2009, 07:49 - LaTeX
I'm happy to annouce the first public version of the DoX package for LaTeX2e.
The doc package provides LaTeX developers with means to describe the usage and the definition of new macros and environments. However, there is no simple way to extend this functionality to other items (options or counters for instance). The dox package is designed to circumvent this limitation.
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